What We Do

Our Services

Emit as Little Carbon Dioxide as Possible

Carbon dioxide emissions trapped in our atmosphere cause global warming which cause climate change that affects animal’s habitats, melting polar ice caps, rising sea level and many more dangerous effects.  To help with this, we should do one or more of the following: drive more efficiently, don’t eat as much red meat, plant trees, make your home more energy efficient and reduce air travel.


Support Bees

Bees are an integral part of our ecosystem. They help plants to reproduce. Without them, crops would die and the world will starve.  The bees are rapidly disappearing, so here’s something you can do to help the bees:  plant some bee-friendly flowers that produce nectar and pollen.


Avoiding GMO foods

GMO seeds and food are known to have chemicals in them that are lab-created and are bad for people’s bodies and also bad for the environment.  One thing you can do to avoid these is to buy organic foods at your store and even better at farmer’s markets.


Being Involved in our Community

Promoting peace in the world is something we all want, but that idea is vastly overwhelming. You can help promote peace by doing things just in your own community.   Here’s a few ways:  become familiar with your neighbors and community; plan peaceful events like a community picnic/potluck or get-together at a park; volunteer; attend community events.



The U.S is the leading country for producing waste in landfills.  292.4 million tons to be exact.  The top 3 waste products in landfills are food, paper/paperboard and plastics which most of those products can be recycled.  You can do your part by recycling paper/paperboard and plastics (even if you don’t get paid for them), and as an example for food, starting a compost bin with food scraps.


Conserving Wastewater

Our oceans are so polluted with waste, chemicals, spills and more, that many species that live there are being endangered and extinct. One very simple thing you can do today right now, that isn’t being done enough, is to conserve water so excess wastewater does not spill into the oceans.


Spay / Neuter Our Animals

Every year in the U.S. 27 million cats and dogs are born.  4 million of these animals are euthanized, many are healthy adoptable animals, because homes cannot be found for them.  The problem is that people are still not spaying/neutering them.   To help with this horrible situation, if you have a pet that is not fixed, make an appointment ASAP.


Support Frogs

Frogs have been living for over 250 million years and are practically unchanged.  Frog species are dying off so rapidly now and telling scientists that there are enormous problems with our biosphere.  As they die off, many animals are without a food source which in turn breaks up the circle of life.  To help with this we can stop flushing medications down the toilet, try not to pollute the air, and not use pesticides.


Purchasing “Imperfect” Foods

There is such an incredible amount of food waste in the world especially from stores that won’t sell imperfect produce because consumers won’t buy it.  One way you can help the planet is to buy these imperfect foods from companies that sell them, like the company Imperfect Foods.  Maybe you could buy from them, or another company, once a month or more to help the planet from food waste.


Improve Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the 2nd largest environmental cause to health problems.  Can you believe that!  Environmental noise contributes to 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease, and 12,000 premature deaths per year,  and even animals migrate more to get away from noise.  That’s crazy!  You can help with noise pollution in your home by upgrading insulation, closing windows, wearing ear plugs(for landscape blowers, construction, etc), turn off electric devices, and lower volume.


Using Bread

Bread is one of the top food items that is wasted and thrown away.  In this day and age, the last thing anyone should do is waste food. There are many ways to use stale bread, like for croutons and more, and ways to prevent the staling process, like freezing it. There are many sites you can find that give great ideas about not wasting bread.


Preventing Habitat Loss

Habitat loss is one of the largest reasons that threaten wildlife.  It is the main threat to 85% of all endangered and threatened species. Fragmentation, expansion of agricultural land, harvesting timber and overgrazing are just a few of the reasons for this loss.  Some things you can do to help is to plant native trees, bushes, and flowers to attract local species and provide a water source for animals.  Also , reduce pesticide use.


Starting a Garden

Growing a garden can be a very rewarding hobby.  It makes you feel pride when you see those plants start to grow.  It can be a little overwhelming though if you’ve never done this before.  If you have a nursery you can go to, they will certainly be able to get you going. Read the […]


Making Purchases from Environmentally Friendly Companies

One of best ways to be environmentally conscious is to make sure you buy products that are recyclable, reusable, biodegradable, or organic.  There is one company where we tried out some products and those products lived up to everything the company said they were. They use glass instead of plastic, essential oils instead of harsh […]


Refusing Single-Use Plastic Straws

In the U.S., 500 million plastic straws are thrown away each day.  They aren’t biodegradable, and they are too small to be recycled.  They are light weight and blow out of refuse bins and around when thrown on the ground.  A large percentage of them end up in oceans floating on the surface.  When ingested […]


Feeding the Needy

There is a huge problem with getting nutritious food to homeless people and low income people.  The population of homeless people is at an extreme high.  The USDA offers many resources for getting food to the needy. Check out the programs in the link.  Religion organizations also feed the homeless and provide for their basic […]


Using the Dishwasher

If you hand wash your dishes, please be aware that you are wasting a lot of water doing it compared to using a dishwasher.  Hand washing can use as much of 27 gallons of water per load.  Using a dishwasher made after 2013, that is Energy Star certified can use about 3 gallons per load. […]


Being Mindful of Air Quality

People are usually concerned about the quality of our air and how it can affect our respiratory system.  Sometimes we forget that our pets are affected by it also.  They can have respiratory problems, runny eyes and nose, just like humans get.  Inside your home, you can improve air quality by replacing air filters on […]


Addressing Mental Health

Depression has hit an all time high in the US.  As of now 32% of the population has depression (27% before the pandemic).  Worldwide about 5% have depression(.39 billion).  A large number of these cases are low income people.  There are many ways of handling depression, like medication, and learning how to use coping skills. […]


Practicing Kindness

Kindness is something that a lot of people don’t do anymore.  Kindness defines itself as: the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  With that definition in mind, it also extends to being the above without expecting praise or reward.  In addition, it applies toward ourselves as well.  What a wonderful world this could be […]


Joining Other Global Communities

Global community is something that brings people from around the world communicating with each other about shared interests, ideas, technologies, values and beliefs, and of course other things as well.  This is something that is ideal for using the internet for.  There is a vast amount of knowledge that we can learn from each other. […]


Conserving Energy

An average size house uses about 27% of all energy usage for heating and a/c and the bigger the house, the more energy is used. 21% of energy used is from appliances.  Water heaters are a big culprit of energy usage and not only that, but they are also a huge culprit of water usage. […]


Helping Others

Giving gifts and helping others does positive things in your brain and is scientifically proven to make you feel good.  A message is sent to your brain when you give and help others, and tells it to release the “feel good” hormones. Those hormones are Seratonin, Dopamine, and Oxytocin and they make you happy, so […]


Attend Community Meetings

Community meetings are a great way to meet people in your area, discuss any community concerns you may have, hear what other’s say, and make some action plans.  It’s pretty easy to start one-check out the web site below and it will give you the steps for starting them.


Helping Our Community through Grants

There are so many grants for so many things that can be applied for.  One type of grant is for community based projects.  People in the communities can get together and work towards improving their community.  The below link will let you search for community grants in any location.  You’ll be surprised to see how […]


“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society” (J Krishnamurti)

“A people who lose their vision, perish” (Proverbs)

  • Our ancestors lived in peace for over 2 million years
  • But when we became self-aware, we began giving away our peace, passion, and purpose
  • Today millions of humans globally are powerless, angry, and frustrated
  • But we must stop putting band aids on symptoms and fix the problem at its root
  • Root cause: We are living in collision with our natural human design
  • We MUST return to peace
  • You give us enough info to contact you (no cost or obligation)
  • We reply and begin a dialogue by asking “What would a global grassroots vision have to include to be life-changing FOR YOU?!”
  • As thousands reply, we begin publishing The Vision
  • The Vision is so appealing that millions globally are strongly attracted and join
  • Finally, you have a voice! – communities communicate globally for support and safety
  • People, in their communities everywhere, return to living in harmony with their natural design
  • Governments and corporations return to SERVING US, their citizens and customers
  • Corruption, manipulation and violence rapidly disappear