What is the one thing that is worse than caging an animal that wants to be free?  The one thing is… if that animal caged itself!

You may think you live freely, but you don’t (by a huge margin – 30% at best, when the rest of life lives 100% as designed).

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society”  J Krishnamurti

If you lived freely you wouldn’t need to be “governed,” managed, ruled, led, told what to do, have half of your wages taken and spent by others, told by others how to live your life and raise your kids.  No one tells gorillas how to live – elephants don’t need governments.  Does it make sense that only humans are so evil and devious and dangerous that they must be “managed” like children?

Does this mean no governments?  No, but governments, bureaucrats, politicians are supposed to be nothing more than public servants.  I think you will agree they’ve gone WAY beyond that, and are oppressing the very people who put their trust in them and who they are supposed to be serving.  That’s what happens when you and I give away our power, passion, choice, and money to others.

Will these governments and leaders voluntarily stop what they are doing?  Of course not.  But they will if they have no choice, and that will happen when we get frustrated enough with the deteriorating quality of our lives to unite around a common, human, global vision, and demand our freedom back.

Don’t believe that all of humanity could agree on a common vision?  Yes, we can.  It’s just a matter of how bad we are going to let things get before we stand up in courage and maturity and integrity, and aspire to a common, higher vision.

I believe you are the person with that courage – a warrior or warrioress who will fight if necessary to be free.  If so, go to our website and let us know who you are.  No cost or obligation – just the chance for a life beyond your wildest dreams!

My desire is to live a life of passion. To do that takes a lot of courage, honesty and maturity. I’m not yet where I want to be, but I have made a lot of progress from where I have been. Passion is connected to liberty and wisdom. Without wisdom, without a higher vision, a common vision of life at its best, order and laws and rules and data and knowledge are … worthless, and actually dangerous, inaccurate, manipulative, confusing.

Humans live and find their meaning in groups, communities, villages, tribes. By design they live eyeball to eyeball, face to face, everyone known, everyone needed.  No cities full of anonymous loners.

The more honest and open I am, the more passion I exude and the more passion I attract. On the other hand, my pride and ego want to keep secrets. They don’t want me to let you know me, my feelings and what interests and attracts and excites me, because then you’ll know I’m not perfect (you already knew that, but my brain is so small and petty that it thinks it has everyone fooled, when the only fool is the brain thinking it).

Wisdom unites. Order and knowledge without wisdom divide. Humanity is on a dangerous path, a path of addiction to materialism, things, money, knowledge, ‘self.’ The only cure for this addiction is to return to living naturally, in groups, the way we evolved and were designed, the way we have lived for over 3 million years. We began to move away from that natural state some 20-40,000 years ago. If we choose to unite, to come together, to grow up, we will discover that all of us humans are 99% the same. Certainly we live in different locations and cultures, but at our core we all want the same things – to live in peace, safely and happily, to prosper from our hard work, and retain what we’ve earned to spend as we choose.

I want this courage and passion and wisdom to be said of me.  I think you do too.  Neither you or I can do it alone, but we don’t have to.

“No man (or woman) is an island.”  “We do together what we can’t do alone.”  “Wherever two or more are gathered.”


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