Terrorism: Unfortunately You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

Terrorism: Unfortunately You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

In spite of gun laws and border checks, terrorism is going to get worse – much worse. Stopping ISIS won’t fix it (although ISIS should be stopped). Neither will changing the arrogant, greedy, heavy-handed west and their practice of using their money and power to buy politicians and manipulate whole cultures – that won’t fix it either (although this behavior by the west should also be stopped). The only thing that will stop terrorism is to identify the root cause and correct it.

What is the root cause? Very simply, we humans are living in direct conflict with who we are (our natural human design). Bonding, extended family, the intimacy of living and working together in groups and communities, have been replaced by a global obsession with greed and lives of chronic fear. Millions of people are leading passionless, purposeless lives of quiet desperation. They are understandably frustrated and angry, and looking for someone or something to blame. I know – I’ve been one of them.

Whereas we absolutely accept that a dolphin or gorilla or squirrel or human native insists on living 100% true to their design, yet when it comes to us “civilized” humans, we are resigned to being ruled, led, governed, managed, stripped of our essence and birthright as 100% human beings. The rich get richer with the taxes and power that we continue to give them, while we lapse into lives of immature and frustrating dependency.

Human beings are a frustrated and restless species.  And they should be.  Having given away our very freedom, having lost our 100% way of life, we’re like animals in a zoo.  Even children understand that animals need and want to live naturally, live in their natural habitat, and not in cages.

“But wait,” you say.  “Humans are the smartest and most successful species – just look how many of us there are.”  I have news for you – successful species LIMIT their numbers to insure both their own success and the success of those that follow.  Out-of-control population explosions like ours are seen not in other healthy species, but in plagues, blights, pestilences, pandemics.

Sadly our massive over-population does not only affect us and our quality of life.  The extinction of species after species tracks directly with our skyrocketing population growth.  The remedy:

  1. Live as we were designed
  2. As we do so, population growth returns to normal, balanced levels
  3. As that happens, the extinction rate likewise returns to normal

Yes our massive over-population is a global concern.  But there is good news – we can restore normal population levels.  “How are you going to do this?” you ask.  The answer:  when we return to living in harmony with our natural human design, our population problems will return to normal levels, and the rest of our modern human social problems with likewise self-correct.

Want your passion and your life back? I do too. This is the place – you’ll be hearing lots more on this topic. And remember, you heard it here first!

Check us out at www.A RETURN TO PEACE.com.  Or visit our Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/AReturnToPeace.  You’ll be glad you did.

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