GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms)

You may have noticed in your grocery store that some foods are labeled non-gmo (in green letters).  I try to pick these items when possible even when they cost a little more, and would encourage you to do the same.

One thing that makes our food safe in the U.S. is labeling requirements.  Food suppliers have to tell us what is in the food we are buying (its ingredients) – that is, unless our federal government, in collusion with big, rich, and powerful corporations decide not to tell us because it cuts into their profits.  In that case, they use their greed and muscle to withhold this important information.

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism.  Our glorious planet Earth has created us humans and all life, and naturally provides food, water, oxygen – all the things we need to survive and thrive.  But does it concern you that some folks in a lab have figured out how to genetically modify food, and even animals?  Further that the government is conspiring to keep you from knowing when you are consuming these modified foods?  Still further, that our government has decided (in the case of crops) to mix genetically modified seeds in with natural seeds so that growers won’t know whether their seeds are modified or not?  Their plan is that crops like soy will be permanently modified, and (if the government/corporate machine has its way), any attempt to buy or use natural seeds will be illegal.  In fact the government is already acting against growers of natural seeds and the farmers who buy them.

The good is the enemy of the best.”  New drugs are constantly being created, and those that sell them want us to buy and use them.  But they are required to tell us what the potential side-effects are or could be.  Likewise, with every new program and idea, someone can prove that some person or groups of people will benefit.  Because we don’t want anyone to suffer or endure hardship, it is easy to say ‘yes’ to these new items without looking down the line to see how the long-term effects might harm you or I, or indeed even harm all of humanity.  No one wants to say ‘no,’ but wisdom and maturity require limits even if they are unpopular.

Greece was a case in point.  For years the government provided benefits for its citizens by over-spending.  When the EU required Greece to get its debt under control, the government adopted austerity measures.  But the attitude of the Greek citizens was “I didn’t specifically authorize all the various spending and programs – why should I have to be the one to pay it back.”  Likewise, if we in the U.S. were asked to tighten our belts, we’d likely respond in the same way, and if any of our elected representatives proposed an austerity program, they would likely find that they were at the end of their political career.

Massive over-spending is one example of government at its worst.  We can no longer count on our elected representatives (politicians) to intercede for us.  We need to unite, stand up in courage, and insist that our elected representatives do their job as public servants.  If you agree, JOIN US.

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