Communities are human’s natural groupings, the groupings they have enjoyed for 3 million years. Yes, 3 million years. Pull up a picture of Lucy – Australopithecus, walking around on 2 feet just like you and I, same skeleton, same cranial and pelvic structure, finding food, raising young, doing all the things you and I do.
Some say that these ancient ancestors are not human, not our ancestors. They say that they are animals, while we modern humans are … what? Funny – the truth is, we don’t know WHAT we are!! We think we are so intelligent and so gentle and kind, while in reality a puppy has the qualities that we have long-since lost. That is why we love them.
BULLETIN: We could recover those qualities. We could return to peace. But it is going to require courage, wisdom, sacrifice. It will require you and I getting off our asses joining Environmental organizations and human rights groups, getting involved. It’s OUR world – let’s take it back!