There are 10 million current living species of life on Earth. They all have their challenges, but for the most part they live in peace – in 100% harmony with their particular design, which design exists because they fill a niche in the awesome, spectacular oneness that is Earth and life on it.
All but one. Modern humans, for the most part, don’t return to living in peace much at all. The reason is because, several thousand years ago, we began the process of giving away our passion, our freedom, our birthright over to other humans to make decisions for us, manage and rule and restrain us, tell us how to raise our kids and even what food to eat. So we’ve lost our naturalness, our freedom, our passion, and we are frustrated and angry – and rightly so. What are our options?
- Accept humanity as it is (allowing it to get progressively and incrementally worse)
- Get angry (people tell us we need to get over our anger, fix ourselves, don’t focus on what’s wrong in the world but instead focus on what’s wrong inside me. But if we never question bad behavior, aren’t we really condoning and perpetuating it?)
- Try to change things (seems difficult to impossible, but does that mean we give up?)
- Support some group or political party promising a better way. (That “better way” invariably ends up being a lie, costing us $ billions of our hard-earned money; ends up turning MORE power and control over to politicians and governments; and the problem they promised to address gets WORSE (example: Education)).
No wonder we’re frustrated! No wonder we started this cause!
There are 2 issues here:
- We are trying to put band-aids on symptoms, instead of isolating and correcting the Root Cause.
- We lack unity – the power of a common passion or dream, and numbers. Unity requires a shared vision, not about me and what I need and want, but at the highest level (where ALL humans, being a single species, are alike). If even a small critical mass of us have a shared vision and speak in unity, there is NO POWER ON EARTH that can deny us ANY wish or desire.
Governments have gone beyond being Public Servants, and are actually oppressing the very citizens they are supposed to be serving. But the fault lies not in them but in us – we have given them so much of our money, our choice, our freedom, our passion, our power, that we have lost the passion, the purpose, the quality-of-life that every other species enjoys. If we have truly given these God-given freedoms away, then we (and only we) can decide to take it back. That is, IF we have the courage.
Will governments and leaders voluntarily downsize? Of course not. And are we criticizing governments, or suggesting that they be eradicated. Also, no. So what ARE we suggesting? That we, united and with a shared vision, insist that governments globally return to their proper role as Public Servants. Servants serving us, their people, their citizens, the very reason they exist.